注意!针对美国所有Part 15部分的有意发射设备-天线增益信息,点击查看!

日期: 2022-08-29


针对所有Part 15 部分的有意发射设备,需要随附天线的data sheet 或者test report,目前FCC不知会用何种方式调查EAS system中已完成申请的认证资料,但如果接收到FCC通知需要补上天线资料的FCC ID,必须在5个工作日之内补上,否则FCC ID将会被撤消,但何时会通知,要追朔多久以前的ID,目前都没有相关资讯。




 1. 天线的类型 (如Dipole, Panel, etc.);

 2. 天线的频率范围与对应的最大Peak Gain值;

 3. 天线的照片 (可同产品照做短期保密,如果有保密的需要),天线的尺寸,天线的cable长度与天线接头也需要拍摄清楚;

 4. 天线Data Sheet中,有相关敏感讯息(如设计原理,参数,等等),可以删除分开提供并要求保密,其他必须要公开;

 5. 如果提供的是天线报告,则须符合ISO 17025的报告内容要求,如: 测试方法,测试仪器清单,测试示意图,测试照,测试数据等等,报告无法保密,但其中测试照做短期保密。


URGENT - FCC Area of 

Concern-Antenna Gain Information

The following urgent information has been provided by the FCC:

Any applications granted without the proper antenna information will be dismissed after 5 business days of this email.  The TCBs can request to have the application put in an audit status to update the antenna information.

This email is to bring to your attention that while the FCC has been advising test labs and TCBs to make sure part 15 applications includes antenna gain information, in terms of data sheets and/or test reports. This information is evident by recent audits confirming this information was omitted.

We are still finding reports that state, "antenna gain information is declared by the manufacturer", with no other supporting information. As we have re-iterated during the last TCB workshop, this statement will not suffice. All part 15 applications will need to show how the antenna gain was derived either from a manufacturer data sheet or a measurement. Where the gain of the antenna is inherently accounted for as a result of the measurement,  example such as a field strength measurement on a part 15.249 or 15.231 device. As a result, the gain does not necessarily need to be verified. However, enough information regarding the construction of the antenna shall be provided. Such information maybe photographs, length of wire antenna etc.

The antenna gain information shall be made public. Any proprietary information such as construction maybe stripped from the gain information report and held confidential. The main antenna information we require is the maximum gain of the antenna for the band of operation. This information must be provided as a data sheet or a measurement report.


Ronald E. Williams

Division Chief, OET-Laboratory

Federal Communications Commission



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